B. V. N Silver Chain Co., Ltd has been manufacturing top quality guarantee 925 silver chains and findings for the past 40 years. Altough the company has a long history, it is in fact, a very forward minded organization with a very modern approach in business.

At B. V. N Silver Chain Co., Ltd, we use the lastest technology and machenery from Italy. Our products are indistinguishable from the Italian ones in all aspects expect one-our price, which is much lower. We have a long tradition of high standards in both production quality control as well as customer service. For the past 40 years,
we have been supplying local exports to their complete satisfaction.
Our specially trained staff ensure the smooth processing of orders right from the time the order is placed till the customer receives delivery.
Our factory and showroom are situated in the centre of Bangkok, Thailand. You are very welcome to visit our factory and showroom any time.